We all have systems in place for managing our lives. Your computer and technology need to have systems in place to get your data and information safe.
I recommend the following list of maintenance tasks you should be doing on your computer.
One time and one time only.
Set up the computer to update your operating system automatically.
Install Anti-Virus software and Malware software. Also, set to update automatically. (I recommend Malwarebytes and Bitdefender)
Stay on top of your email inbox. Remove any emails from senders you don't know.
Only open attachments that you know the sender.
Basic cleaning-
Clean your keyboard (get the crumbs out)
Clean monitor (make sure that you wipe it clean)
Dust the computer and printer
Check your cords and cables don't have any breaks
Back up your system. It would help if you did this to cloud storage or an external drive. (I like Carbonite)
Make sure your photos are organized into folders.
Move your photos from your phone to your computer and then delete them.
Clean up your web browser.
Delete any unwanted or needed files that you don't need.
Remove any programs or apps that you are no longer needing
Run CCleaner
Run a complete virus and malware scan. Again I like Bitdefender and Malwarebytes.
Clean up contacts on your phone, email, and social media accounts.
Maintance on your devices is something that should be done on a schedule as we depend on our devices more today than we did yesterday.